Cohen & Sinowski
Cohen & Sinowski

Understanding How Medicare Works with Personal Injury Claims in Georgia

  • Published: June 12, 2023

Common Defense Tactics, Fault, And Well-Defended Settlement CasesNavigating the complexities of Medicare and personal injury claims can be challenging, especially when dealing with the specific laws and regulations in Georgia. This blog post aims to provide a clear understanding of how Medicare works with personal injury claims in the state and what steps you need to take to ensure a smooth process.

  1. What is Medicare?

Medicare is a federal health insurance program that provides coverage for individuals aged 65 and older, as well as certain younger individuals with disabilities. When a Medicare beneficiary is involved in a personal injury claim, it is crucial to understand how the program interacts with the claim and any potential settlement or award.

  1. Medicare’s Role in Personal Injury Claims

In Georgia, as in other states, Medicare has the right to recover payments it made for medical expenses related to a personal injury claim. This is known as a “Medicare lien.” When a settlement or award is obtained in a personal injury case, Medicare must be reimbursed for the medical expenses it covered that are directly related to the injury.

  1. Identifying and Reporting Medicare Liens

It is essential for both the injured party and their legal representation to identify any potential Medicare liens early in the personal injury claim process. Injured parties should inform their attorney if they are Medicare beneficiaries, as this information will help the attorney in managing the claim and negotiating a fair settlement or award.

Once a personal injury claim is initiated, the injured party or their attorney must report the claim to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). This ensures that Medicare is aware of the claim and can provide information on any potential liens.

  1. Resolving Medicare Liens

After a settlement or award is reached, the injured party or their attorney must work with Medicare to resolve any outstanding liens. This involves providing Medicare with information about the settlement or award, including the amount and any allocation for medical expenses.

Medicare will then review the information and provide a final lien amount that must be reimbursed from the settlement or award. It is essential to work closely with Medicare throughout this process to ensure that the lien is resolved correctly and promptly.

  1. Protecting Your Rights in a Personal Injury Claim

When dealing with Medicare and personal injury claims in Georgia, it is crucial to have experienced legal representation to guide you through the process. An attorney well-versed in both personal injury law and Medicare regulations can help protect your rights and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.


Navigating the intersection of Medicare and personal injury claims in Georgia can be complex, but with the right knowledge and legal representation, you can successfully manage the process. By understanding the role of Medicare in your claim, identifying and resolving liens, and working with an experienced attorney, you can focus on your recovery and secure the compensation you deserve.

At Cohen & Sinowski, our dedicated team of attorneys is well-versed in both personal injury law and Medicare regulations. We are committed to providing personalized attention and high-quality legal representation to help you navigate the complexities of your case. Contact us today to discuss your personal injury claim and learn how we can help protect your rights and interests.

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